Tip of The Day

Caring your tyres

Tyre thread is the obvious place to start looking for damages. Begin
by inspecting carefully for abnormal wear & tear.  Widening of the
space between the thread blocks usually means that the tyres are
ageing, if there are any cracks then replace the tyre immediately.

Abnormally severe wear at the thread shoulders or uneven tread wear
are warning signs that should never be ignored as they could be the
result of other mechanical problems.

Pay special attention to slots & cuts on the tyre & look for embedded
fragments like stones or nails which are the usual cause of punctures
and can also result in internal damage.

Bulges on the tyre wall, no matter how small they are should never be
ignored as such tyres are unsafe. Sometimes such damage may not be
visible but if you have any suspicion regarding the condition of the
tyres, seek professional help immediately.

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