Tip Of The Day

What causes a crash     

Distracted Driving -  is the leading cause of car accidents for the past decades. Please pay attention to the road while you are driving. That means no calls, no texting, no eating, no reading, no grooming & talking while behind the wheel.
Drunk Driving - is one of the most dangerous causes of accidents. If you have had a drink, take a taxi or give your keys to a sober friend. It's not worth the risk.
Reckless Driving - Changing lanes too quickly, speeding well over the limit, & acting aggressive on the roads can lead to horrible accidents. It is important to take your time and remain calm while driving to avoid needless accidents caused by simple carelessness.
Night Driving - Lack of visibility makes hazards more difficult to see at night. Make sure that you are extra alert on the road at night, and use your full lights when on an abandoned road without streetlights.


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