Tip of the Day

How to choose the perfect shoes for your car


Tyres are the only link between the car & the road. Normally we all
think about tyre change only when the ones we are using are worn out.
When we go to shopping, we will be faced with a wide range of tyre
options which will be a bit confusing.

The most important thing is to buy those which matches for the car.
Carmakers go to great lengths to put the right type of shoes on your
vehicle. Hence it’s always good to follow the exact specifications
that your vehicle demands.

Always try to change all the tyres at the same time & make sure that
they are the same brand also with the same tread design. Tyre tread
type (Conventional, Uni-Directional or Asymmetric) is also important
as you have to choose the right one based on the conditions you drive.

Upsizing the tyres are common, but always think about the need & its
practical aspects. Never compromise on the quality aspect as they are
one of the most important components of your vehicle.

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